Everything you need to know about Bridge Game.
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How to play
For seasoned players, we present the Advanced Bridge game available for your enjoyment here: https://www.arkadium.com/games/advanced-bridge/ This game will contain a more advanced and complex form of Bridge, with a smarter computer player for more experiment players.
Bridge is a card game that uses a regular 52-card deck and features four players that are in teams of two. When you play bridge online, you’re matched up with a virtual partner and battle against virtual opponents.
The specific variation of Bridge rules used in the game, is Contract Bridge. At the moment, we do not have other variations of the game available such as Auction Bridge.
Goal. Bridge games aim to win points by taking tricks off of your opponents.
A game of classic bridge ends when one team wins two matches (known as a ‘rubber’) out of three, but the winning team is the one that has the most points in the end — games are won when teams earn a contract by scoring 100 points or more.
General rules. The player to the declarer’s left chooses a card from their hand to lead the first trick. After that, the declarer’s partner’s hand is placed on the table (called the “dummy hand”) and is played by the declarer for the remainder of the deal.
Each player must follow the suit of the lead if they are able. Otherwise, they can play any other suit, including trump. The trick is won by the highest trump, or if no trumps were played by the highest card of the lead suit. The winner of each trick leads to the next trick.

Our bidding system is based on the book: “A short cut to WINNING BRIDGE” by Alfred Sheinwold.

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The goal of Bidding. At the beginning of a deal, you must state the number of “tricks” you think your team can win with a specific “trump suit.” A bid includes a number (1-7) and a trump suit (or no trump, NT). The team that makes the final bid must win at least that number of tricks plus 6. The final highest bid is known as the “contract.”
Bidding process. Each player can either bid or pass when it’s their turn. Alternately, each player could double their opponents’ most recent bid. The opponents’ team can then redouble the bid. Under double or redouble, that game rewards double or quadruple points, respectively. The bidding ends when three players in a row pass. The player that makes the first bid on the trump suit is called the “declarer.”

You’ll find the game menu on the top right.

You can change options such as checking a recap of the bidding that’s taken place so far, the scoring of the game, turn the sound on and off, and check a small guide to the game in Help and Tips. Select “Quit Game” to quit and Close to return to the game.
Arkadium Bridge Online offers an accessible and engaging platform for bridge enthusiasts to enjoy the classic trick-taking card game. Whether you’re new to the game or an experienced player looking to up your game, these tips and strategies will help you improve your skills and find success at the virtual bridge table.
1. Learn the Basics:
Before diving into the online game, make sure you have a strong grasp of the basic rules, terminology, and mechanics of bridge. Familiarize yourself with the bidding process, the play of the hand, and the scoring system.
2. Develop a Strong Bidding System:
Effective communication with your partner through bidding is essential for success in bridge. Develop a clear, consistent bidding system that both you and your partner understand and can easily follow. Common systems include Standard American, Acol, and 2/1 Game Forcing. Choose a system that suits your style and practice it regularly with your partner.
3. Count Points and Plan Your Strategy:
When evaluating your hand, count both high card points (HCP) and distribution points to assess its strength. Consider your overall strategy for the hand, whether you’ll be playing aggressively for a game or slam contract, or cautiously aiming for a part-score. Adapt your plan based on the bidding and information gathered during the play.
4. Master the Art of Declarer Play:
When you’re the declarer, plan your strategy before playing the first card. Consider potential dangers, such as losing tricks to opponents’ high cards or encountering a bad trump break. Develop a plan to manage these risks, whether it’s by drawing trumps, setting up a long suit, or executing a finesse.
5. Sharpen Your Defense:
A strong defense is just as important as a powerful offense. Learn to read the declarer’s intentions and work with your partner to thwart their plans. Use signals, such as attitude, count, and suit preference, to exchange information with your partner and coordinate your defense.
6. Practice, Practice, Practice:
Bridge is a complex game that requires consistent practice to master. Play regularly, either online or with a group of friends, and review your hands to learn from your mistakes. Participate in competitions and tournaments to gain experience and hone your skills.
7. Learn from the Pros:
Study expert bridge players’ games, strategies, and techniques to improve your own gameplay. Watch online videos, read books, or participate in workshops and seminars led by accomplished bridge players. Analyze and learn from their decision-making and communication methods.
By applying these tips and strategies to Arkadium Bridge gameplay, you’ll steadily improve your skills and become a formidable opponent at the virtual table. Remember that bridge is a game of continuous learning and growth, so embrace the journey and enjoy the countless hours of fun and camaraderie that bridge has to offer.
Slam and Grand Slam
In bridge, a slam comes in two varieties, small and grand. A small slam involves bidding and taking 12 of the 13 tricks, and, therefore, involves bidding to a six-level contract. A grand slam requires you to contract for all 13 tricks, a seven-level contract successfully.
Contract points. The declarer’s team gains contract points if they fulfill the contract.
Overtrick points are assigned for each trick that was taken above the contract’s stated number.
Undertrick points are awarded to the declarer’s opposing team if the declarer’s team does not fulfill the contract.
Contract, Over and Under points are further increased for a doubled or redoubled contract.
Base contract. Base contract scoring for each is as follows:
If trumps are clubs or diamonds: 20 per trick.
If trumps are hearts or spades: 30 per trick.
If Notrump(NT): 40 for the first trick and 30 for each subsequent trick.
After a team scores 100 or more contract points, the game is complete, and the next game starts.
Extra points. Extra points are awarded for winning a small slam (12 tricks) or a grand slam (13 tricks).
Honors points. Honors points are given for starting the deal with the top 4 or 5 trumps (A K Q J 10).
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